Terms & Conditions
Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and must be used within the validity period, as stated on your voucher. Extensions are applicable within 2 months from the date of expiration from which, additional fees do apply. We reserve right, at our discretion, to turn down an extension. Please contact the office for more information.
All vouchers are non-refundable.
7 days notice is required in the event of date changes/cancellations. Please contact us at the earliest possible chance if you are unable to attend your experience slot. After this date, or if you fail to arrive for your booked date, your voucher will be deemed as being taken and will regrettably be unable to rebook this for you. Your experience may be cancelled due to bad weather conditions. If this happens your voucher is still valid for you to re-book as normal. this is also applicable to any circumstance where an experience must be cancelled mid-way through, the remainder of the day can be booked for a later date.
Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn for your experience as this will be taking place outdoors. Any person wearing open toed shoes will not be allowed on the experience. We do encourage the use of long sleeves whilst on an experience, however, we understand that during the warmer weather this may not be possible. Whilst on an experience we can provide a limited amount of wet-weather provisions, however, we may ask you to provide your own.
Experiences are conducted in set time slots, this ranges depending on the experience chosen. Lunch, for any experience will be held 1 hour before the experience slot. Lunches are cooked to order and despite every effort to accommodate, we will be unable to prepare additional meals unless these are booked in at a minimum of 48 hours notice.
Allergies and Intolerances
We will need express notification to account for allergies and intolerances whilst preparing lunches. Whilst absolutely every effort is made to accommodate, those with severe allergies such as nut allergies may be asked to provide their own lunch on an experience day. Any monies paid in advance of this notification will be refunded if this is the case.
Experiences will be in group sessions of up to 8 people made of any number of participants and spectators. However, due to demand, the group numbers may occasionally exceed this. Spectators can be added to an experience slot for an additional fee of £10.00 per person. This can be paid on the day of the experience. Please note, we do reserve the right to turn away a spectator that we are not made aware of prior to the booking, if the presence of the spectator exceeds the number of people on the experience slot. For Photography Days, we do book to larger groups of 15 upwards.
Handling any type of bird or animal is never predictable. On arrival, you will be given guidelines to assist you and maximise your enjoyment of your day, which we endeavour to make as exciting and enjoyable for you as possible. There is always a risk of injury in handling animals, and although we make every effort to ensure this risk is minimal, we will draw your attention to the risk involved and ask you to confirm you are aware of this. Participants should be aware that they participate at their own risk, and that we are not responsible for the safety of any personal possessions belonging to clients whilst they are with us for their day.
Terms and conditions are subject to change at our discretion. If you have any questions pertaining to you experience and voucher, please do get in touch. It is the responsibility of the voucher holder to read and understand these terms and conditions in full before booking.
Booking your slot is essential as we cannot take walk-ins. To book your date please contact us on:
info@skybirdsofprey.co.uk or 07544696199.